Data Download.

Western CPAP can access and evaluate the data from your CPAP device and provide either detailed or summary reports, along with recommended actions, to assist you in achieving the most you can out of your CPAP device.

We suggest our patients have their data reported and analysed 6 months after beginning CPAP therapy, then 12 monthly thereafter. A data review may also be practical for patients experience difficulties with their CPAP device.

These data reports are also often required by medical practitioners particularly pre-surgery or pre-driving assessment. Similarly, they are also often required from employers assessing employees fitness for work.

Data Download and Analysis: $30

Device adjustment based on analysis: $20

CPAP Trials

Data Download FAQ.

We have the latest clinical software from Philips, ResMed and Fisher & Paykel available to use for your downloads. We also keep legacy software from these 3 manufacturers as it may perform better with older model machines.

For machines that are not one of these three models listed above, we would recommend you contact the manufacturer. We do have 3rd party software that can analyse the data from a number of different brands but we can not rely on this data without clinical evidence validating its accuracy. As a last resort please speak to one of our friendly staff to discuss further.

CPAP machines are often used for years without data download. We sometimes encounter corrupt data and this software is often able to extract important data that other software might not necessarily be able to do.

Yes, but in this case we may be able to download the data from the cloud based services of the provider. This is dependant on the way your device was set up. Most devices with modems have an on board memory back up, often in the form of a SD card should we be unable to download from the server.

This means having one of our trained technicians review and analyse your data and make clinical recommendations. This might mean suggesting adjustments to settings within your device, adjustments to your mask, or in some cases even referral to one of our sleep specialists.

This would involve us accessing the clinical menu within your device and making the appropriate adjustments based on the data download and analysis. The methods of accessing the clinical menu within your device vary based on the model and age of the device.

Subscription Device Monitoring.

With the evolution of cloud based services and the connectivity of CPAP devices we are now able to offer a subscription based device monitoring service to our patients. With a small monthly free, Western CPAP will continuously monitor your data, and based on parameters designed with you, we will alert you to any concerns.

For example, if your AHI begins to exceed 5 we can immediately notify you to come in for a review, rather than waiting until the next time you decide to get your data downloaded, for some that could be years. Why wait and become tired and exhausted when you could be immediately notified, have any issues rectified, and go on continuing the quality of life and health benefits you have become accustomed to?

Our most common subscription monitoring package is $10/month but prices vary based on brand and frequency. To discuss our subscription monitoring service please call one of our technicians today.

CPAP Machine - Device Monitoring

Subscription Monitoring FAQ.

We offer subscription monitoring for select Philips, ResMed and Fisher & Paykel devices.

To offer subscription based monitoring we need to be able to access your data wirelessly. That means your CPAP device must be connected to the manufacturers servers. Most CPAP devices produced in the last 5 years should have this ability, but some may require additional components.

The prices vary based on two key factors, the price we pay to access your data from the manufacturers servers, and the level of manual process required to monitor your data. In some cases where continuous monitoring is impractical, we can organise weekly monitoring (wireless connectivity still required).

CPAP Servicing

When was the last time you had someone check over your device? Have you been using a CPAP machine for years and just assumed it is performing to the pressures specified on the screen? When was the last time you changed your filter? Western CPAP can service your CPAP device. Take the worry out of knowing if your device is working the way it should.

What does it involve:

· Checking pressurization of the system as a whole.

· Attachment to a Manometer to confirm pressure accuracy over a spectrum of pressures.

· Assessment of seals (excludes seals in internal compartment).

· Assessment of humidifier.

· Assessment of filter.

· Assessment of mask and tubing if provided.

Western CPAP recommends getting your device serviced every 12 months. The process takes approximately 60 minutes. Filters will be replaced free of charge. Additional components to be ordered and purchased separately with patient consent.

Note: Mechanical or Electrical faults/concerns will be referred to specialist service agents (this excluded power packs/cables as they can be replaced).


Machine Service: $50

Servicing FAQ.

We service devices from Philips, ResMed and Fisher & Paykel. If your device is from another brand we may still be able to perform the service but we strongly suggest contacting one of our friendly team before booking to ensure we will be able to offer the complete package.

Unfortunately we don’t clean the device during the service. We will however offer advice on cleaning and maintenance techniques where warranted. We also stock a number of CPAP specific cleaning products.

Cleaning CPAP devices can take considerable time depending on the extent to which patients may have neglected them. For example, scaping calcium deposits off the bottom of humidifiers is a very time-consuming activity. We would have to increase the price of the service to all patients if we wanted to include cleaning as part of the service. We felt it was unfair to burden those that managed their device correctly with the additional costs.

That said, we don’t judge! We know patients forget to change filters. We know some patients will be a little less vigilant with maintaining/cleaning their device than others. But we can help! We can get you back on course. We can provide you with the advice you need and the areas that need attention. We can advise you on what products you need and what components might need to be replaced. Finally, we can provide you with tips for the future maintenance of your device.

If the power adaptor to the device has stopped working we can normally organise a replacement from the manufacturer. Other electrical issues will require specialist service. Mechanical issues also require specialist service. Wherever possible we will recommend a local specialist. We do note however that it would be prudent to check if your machine is under warranty. In the case the warranty has expired will discuss all applicable options with you. In some cases the manufacturers will provide assistance through significant discount on replacement devices if replacement is the likely outcome.

Western CPAP handles warranty claims on all devices it sells. We are equipped to provide uninterrupted therapy with loan devices whilst the claim is being processed and also to provide new replacement devices at manufacturer request.

A manometer is an instrument for measuring the pressure acting on a column of fluid, in this case the pressure is being produced by your CPAP machine.

One common mode of failure in older CPAP machines is a discrepancy between actual pressure and the pressure indicated on the PAP device. This device will let us know if your CPAP or BiPAP device is failing to produce adequate pressure.